Sunday, January 2, 2011

Northwest Arrival

Awoke early in Twin Falls and headed northwest, crossing the Snake River, over the Blue Mountains of Oregon, then finally crossing the mighty Columbia River and entering Washington, under a heavy dose of rain -- as is customary.

Weather forecasts for the Cascade Mountain range had us a little concerned but luckily we encountered no nasty storms and slid comfortably down the western slope of the range and into the Puget Sound region, where we feasted with Kevin's family, late night -- as is customary.

We really needed to stretch our legs so we took the dog for long walks before heading out to the ballet followed by an absolutely fantastic meal at El Gaucho. Had a great snacky Christmas eve meal and then awoke Christmas morning not so early -- as is customary -- and opened gifts.

Yet, our arrival to the PNW was not entirely made complete until we sat down at one of Kevin's favorite Japanese restaurants for a fine sushi lunch -- mission accomplished.

We welcomed in the New Year and are now settling into our tiny, oh-s0-tiny, apartment in the University District. Now that we are settling we'll post a variety of photos and commentary on our exploits in the Seattle area and beyond.

Stay tuned,

Kevin, Emily, Sammy

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